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Acts & Rules : GO/Circulars/KSR/KER/Amendment
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LANGUAGE TEACHER QUALIFICATION | à´¸ംà´¸്à´¥ാനത്à´¤െ സര്‍à´•്à´•ാà´°്‍ à´Žà´¯്à´¡à´¡്‌ à´¸്à´•ൂà´³ുà´•à´³ിà´²െ à´Žà´²്‍. à´ªി/à´¯ു.à´ªി à´­ാà´·ാà´§്à´¯ാപക തസ്à´¤ിà´•à´¯ിà´²േà´•്à´•ുà´³്à´³ (à´¹ിà´¨്à´¦ി, അറബിà´•്‌, ഉറൂà´¦ൂ, à´¸ംà´¸്à´•ൃà´¤ം) à´…à´•്à´•ാദമിà´•/പരിà´¶ീലന à´¯ോà´—്യതകള്‍ à´¨ിà´¶്à´šà´¯ിà´š്à´šà´•ൊà´£്à´Ÿു ഉത്തരവാà´•ുà´¨്à´¨ു - ORDER G.O.(Ms)No.59/2024/GEDN Dated, 10/06/2024
Government employees to attend Evening/Part-time/Distance Education/Online Courses | സർക്à´•ാർ à´œീവനക്à´•ാർക്à´•് à´¸ാà´¯ാà´¹്à´¨/à´ªാർട്à´Ÿ് à´Ÿൈം/à´µിà´¦ൂà´° à´µിà´¦്à´¯ാà´­്à´¯ാà´¸/ഓൺലൈൻ à´•ോà´´്à´¸ുà´•à´³ിൽ പങ്à´•െà´Ÿുà´•്à´•ുà´¨്നതിà´¨് à´…à´¨ുമതി നൽകുà´¨്നതുà´®ാà´¯ി ബന്ധപ്à´ªെà´Ÿ്à´Ÿ് à´®ാർഗ്à´—à´¨ിർദ്à´¦േശങ്ങൾ - ORDER G.O.(Ms)No.6/2024/P&ARD Dated, 07/06/2024
PLANT SCIENCE | à´•à´£്à´£ൂർ സർവ്വകലാà´¶ാലയുà´Ÿെ à´¬ി.à´Žà´¸്.à´¸ി à´ª്à´²ാà´¨്à´±് സയൻസ് (à´±െà´—ുലർ) à´¬ിà´°ുà´¦ം. à´•à´£്à´£ൂർ സർവ്വകലാà´¶ാലയുà´Ÿെ à´¬ി.à´Žà´¸്.à´¸ി à´¬ോà´Ÿ്à´Ÿà´£ി à´¬ിà´°ുദത്à´¤ിà´¨ോà´Ÿ് à´¤ുà´²്യമാà´¯ à´…ംà´—ീà´•à´°ിà´š്à´š് - ഉത്തരവ് - ORDER G.O.(Rt)No.620/2024/HEDN Dated, 01/06/2024
KS&SSR - PART II - RULE 38 Amendment | Relinquishment of Promotion/By Transfer Appointment - Clarification - S.R.O.No.1298/2023 | KERALA GAZETTE No.3938 Dated, 04/12/2023 - ORDER G.O.(P)No.17/2023/P&ARD Dated, 30/11/2023 - [Amendment]
Department Test Exception for Promotion | à´‰.à´­.à´ª.à´µ. - à´•ോà´µിà´¡്-19 -ൻ്à´±െ പശ്à´šാà´¤്തലത്à´¤ിൽ വകുà´ª്à´ªുതല പരീà´•്ഷകൾ യഥാസമയം നടക്à´•ാà´¤്തത് - à´Ÿെà´¸്à´±്à´±് à´¯ോà´—്യത à´¨േà´Ÿാà´¨ാà´•ാà´¤്à´¤ à´¸ീà´¨ിയർ à´œീവനക്à´•ാർക്à´•് à´•െ.à´Žà´¸്.&à´Žà´¸്.à´Žà´¸്.ആർ, à´šà´Ÿ്à´Ÿà´™്ങളിൽ ഇളവനുവദിà´š്à´š് à´¸്à´¥ാനക്കയറ്à´±ം നൽകുà´¨്നത് à´¸ംബന്à´§ിà´š്à´š ഉത്തരവ് - ORDER G.O.(Ms)No.20/2023/P&ARD Dated,21/10/2023 - [Order]
HSE - Daily Wage Appoinntment Age Limit | à´ªൊà´¤ു à´µിà´¦്à´¯ാà´­്à´¯ാà´¸ം - ഹയർ à´¸െà´•്കൻഡറിà´¯ിൽ à´—à´¸്à´±്à´±് à´…à´§്à´¯ാപക à´¨ിയമനം - നടത്à´¤ുà´®്à´ªോൾ à´¯ോà´—്യരാà´¯ à´…à´§്à´¯ാപകർക്à´•് à´®ുൻഗണന à´…à´¨ുവദിà´•്à´•ുà´¨്നത് - à´¸ംബന്à´§ിà´š്à´š് - Circular No.J A2/134/2023/GEDN Dated, 20/10/2023 - [Circular]
PRIMARY HM PAY FIXATION (HM Scale) - DGE Direction - No.A2/1570/20/DGE Dated, 20/10/2023 - [PDF-1.6MB]
PRIMARY HM PAY FIXATION (HM Scale) | à´ªൊà´¤ുà´µിà´¦്à´¯ാà´­്à´¯ാà´¸ വകുà´ª്à´ª് - à´œീവനക്à´•ാà´°്à´¯ം - സർക്à´•ാർ à´¸്à´•്à´•ൂà´³ുà´•à´³ിà´²െ à´²ോവർ à´ª്à´°ൈമറി, à´…à´ª്പർ à´ª്à´°ൈമറി à´ª്രഥമാà´¦്à´§്à´¯ാപകരുà´Ÿെ à´¸്à´¥ാനക്കയവുà´®ാà´¯ി ബന്ധപ്à´ªെà´Ÿ്à´Ÿ് ഫയൽ à´šെà´¯്à´¤ിà´Ÿ്à´Ÿുà´³്à´³ à´µിà´µിà´§ à´•േà´¸ുà´•à´³ിൽ ബഹു. à´•േà´°à´³ à´…à´¡്à´®ിà´¨ിà´¸്à´Ÿ്à´°േà´±്à´±ീà´µ് à´Ÿ്à´°ിà´¬്à´¯ൂണൽ 21/06/2023 ൽ à´ªുറപ്à´ªെà´Ÿുà´µിà´š്à´š ഇടക്à´•ാà´² ഉത്തരവ് à´ªാà´²ിà´š്à´š് - ഉത്തരവ് à´ªുറപ്à´ªെà´Ÿുà´µിà´•്à´•ുà´¨്à´¨ു [à´²ോവർ à´ª്à´°ൈമറി à´¸്à´•്à´•ൂൾ, à´…à´ª്പർ à´ª്à´°ൈമറി à´¸്à´•്à´•ൂൾ à´¹െà´¡്à´®ാà´¸്à´±്റർ തസ്à´¤ിà´•à´¯ിà´²േà´•്à´•് à´¤ാà´²്à´•ാà´²ിà´• à´¸്à´¥ാനക്കയറ്à´±ം നൽകിà´¯ à´Žà´²്à´²ാ à´¹െà´¡്à´®ാà´¸്à´±്റർമാർക്à´•ും, à´Ÿിà´¯ാà´³ുകൾ à´¹െà´¡്à´®ാà´¸്à´±്റർമാà´°ാà´¯ി à´œോà´²ിà´¯ിൽ à´ª്à´°à´µേà´¶ിà´š്à´š à´¤ീയതി à´®ുതൽ KS&SSR, Part-II, à´šà´Ÿ്à´Ÿം 31(F) à´ª്à´°à´•ാà´°ം à´¹െà´¡്à´®ാà´¸്à´±്റർ തസ്à´¤ിà´•à´¯ിà´²െ ആനുà´•ൂà´²്à´¯ം à´…à´¨ുവദിà´š്à´šും, à´…à´ª്à´°à´•ാà´°ം à´Ÿിà´¯ാà´³ുà´•à´³ുà´Ÿെ ശമ്പളം à´«ിà´•്à´¸് à´šെà´¯്à´¤ു് à´•ുà´Ÿിà´¶ിà´• à´…à´¨ുവദിà´¯്à´•്à´•ുà´¨്നതിà´¨ും à´ªൊà´¤ുà´µിà´¦്à´¯ാà´­്à´¯ാà´¸ ഡയറക്ടർക്à´•് à´¨ിർദ്à´¦േà´¶ം നൽകി ഉത്തരവാà´•ുà´¨്à´¨ു.] - ORDER G.O.(Rt)No.6414/2023/GEDN Dated, 19/10/2023 - [PDF-233KB]
By Transfer Appointment to HSST(Jr.) | à´ªൊà´¤ു à´µിà´¦്à´¯ാà´­്à´¯ാà´¸ം - à´—à´µ.ഹയർ à´¸െà´•്à´•à´£്à´Ÿà´±ി à´¸്à´•ൂà´³ുà´•à´³ിà´²െ à´Žà´š്.à´Žà´¸്.à´Žà´¸്.à´Ÿി à´œൂà´¨ിയർ തസ്à´¤ിà´•à´®ാà´±്à´± à´¨ിയമനത്à´¤ിà´¨് എൽ.à´ªി/à´¯ു.à´ªി/à´®ിà´¨ിà´¸്à´±്à´±ീà´°ിയൽ à´¸്à´±്à´±ാà´«് à´²ാà´¬് à´…à´¸ിà´¸്à´±്റന്à´±് à´µിà´­ാà´—à´¤്à´¤ിà´¨് സബ് à´•്à´µാà´Ÿ്à´Ÿ à´¨ിà´¶്à´šà´¯ിà´š്à´šുà´•ൊà´£്à´Ÿു Special Rules for the Kerala Higher Secondary Education Subordinate Service, 2001 ൽ à´­േദഗതി വരുà´¤്à´¤ിയത് à´Žà´¯്à´¡à´¡് ഹയർ à´¸െà´•്à´•à´£്à´Ÿà´±ി à´¸്à´•ൂà´³ുà´•à´³ിà´²െ à´Žà´š്.à´Žà´¸്.à´Žà´¸്.à´Ÿി à´œൂà´¨ിയർ തസ്à´¤ിà´•à´®ാà´±്à´± à´¨ിയമനങ്ങൾക്à´•ു à´•ൂà´Ÿി à´¬ാധകമാà´•്à´•ി ഉത്തരവ് à´ªുറപ്à´ªെà´Ÿുà´µിà´•്à´•ുà´¨്à´¨ു - ORDER G.O.(P)No.13/2023/GEDN Dated, 12/10/2023 - [PDF-186KB]
Probation Declaration Malayalam Language | ഉദ്à´¯ോà´—à´¸്à´¥ ഭരണപരിà´·്à´•ാà´° വകുà´ª്à´ª് - സർക്à´•ാർ സർവീà´¸ിൽ à´ª്à´°à´µേà´¶ിà´•്à´•ുà´¨്നവർക്à´•ു à´ª്à´°ൊà´¬േഷൻ à´ªൂർത്à´¤ിà´¯ാà´•്à´•ുà´¨്നതിà´¨ു മലയാളഭാà´·ാ പരിà´œ്à´žാà´¨ം à´¨ിർബന്ധമാà´•്à´•ിയത് à´Ÿെà´¸്à´±്à´±് à´¯ോà´—്യത à´¨േà´Ÿുà´¨്നതിà´¨ുà´³്à´³ à´•ാà´²ാവധി à´¦ീർഘിà´ª്à´ªിà´š്à´š് ഉത്തരവ് - ORDER G.O.(Ms)No.19/2023/P&ARD Dated, 06/10/2023 - [PDF-111KB]
Disciplinary Action | à´•െ.à´Žà´¸്.ആർ à´­ാà´—ം III à´šà´Ÿ്à´Ÿം 3(b) à´ª്à´°à´•ാà´°ം à´…à´š്à´šà´Ÿà´•്à´• നടപടി à´¸്à´µീà´•à´°ിà´•്à´•ുà´¨്നതിà´¨്à´®േà´²ുളള à´¸്പഷ്à´Ÿീà´•à´°à´£ം - à´¸ംബന്à´§ിà´š്à´š് - Circular No.92/2023/Fin Dated, 04/10/2023 - [PDF-1.2MB]
Sanctioning Non Teaching Posts Reckoning HS Strength and HSS Strength Together | ഹയര്‍ à´¸െà´•്à´•à´£്à´Ÿà´±ി à´µിà´­ാà´—ം à´•ുà´Ÿ്à´Ÿിà´•à´³ുà´Ÿെ à´Žà´£്à´£ം à´•ൂà´Ÿി കണക്à´•ാà´•്à´•ി à´ªാലക്à´•ാà´Ÿ് à´šെà´±ുà´ªുà´·്‍à´ªം ഹയര്‍ à´¸െà´•്à´•à´£്à´Ÿà´±ി à´¸്à´•ൂà´³ിà´²്‍ à´¤ാà´²്‍à´•്à´•ാà´²ിà´•à´®ാà´¯ി à´…à´ž്à´š് വര്‍à´·à´¤്à´¤േà´•്à´•് à´…à´§ിà´• തസ്à´¤ിà´•à´•à´³്‍ à´…à´¨ുവദിà´š്à´š് ഉത്തരവ്  - ORDER G.O.(Rt) No.139/2023/GEDN Dated, 22/09/2023
AIDED | G.O.(Ms)No.30/2019/GEDN Dated, 07/03/2019 ഉത്തരവ് à´¤ീയതിà´•്à´•് à´®ുà´®്à´ª് à´²ോവര്‍ à´—്à´°േà´¡് à´²ാംà´—്à´µേà´œ് à´…à´§്à´¯ാപകര്‍à´•്à´•് à´¨ിà´·്à´•à´°്‍à´·ിà´š്à´šിà´°ിà´•്à´•ുà´¨്à´¨ à´¯ോà´—്യതകള്‍ à´¨േà´Ÿിà´¯ à´…à´§്à´¯ാപകരെ à´°à´£്à´Ÿ് വര്‍à´· D.EL.ED à´¯ോà´—്യത à´¨േà´Ÿുà´¨്നതിà´²്‍ à´¨ിà´¨്à´¨ും à´’à´´ിà´µാà´•്à´•ുà´¨്നത് à´¸ംബന്à´§ിà´š്à´š് - Circular No.GE-JR1/34/2023/GEDN Dated, 24/08/2023
DLED | à´ªൊà´¤ു à´µിà´¦്à´¯ാà´­്à´¯ാà´¸ വകുà´ª്à´ª് - പരീà´•്à´·ാഭവൻ നടത്à´¤ുà´¨്à´¨ à´¡ി.എൽ.à´Žà´¡് (à´¹ിà´¨്à´¦ി, അറബിà´•്, ഉറുà´¦ു, à´¸ംà´¸്à´•ൃà´¤ം) à´•ോà´´്à´¸ുà´•à´³ുà´Ÿെ à´•ാà´²ാവധി, à´ª്à´°à´µേശനത്à´¤ിà´¨ുà´³്à´³ à´¯ോà´—്യത à´Žà´¨്à´¨ിà´µ പരിà´·്à´•à´°ിà´š്à´š് ഉത്തരവ് - ORDER G.O.(Ms)No.30/2019/GEDN Dated, 07/03/2019
AIDED - Non Teaching Staff Probation - Amendment - KERALA GAZETTE No.1416 Dated, 05/07/2012 [S.R.O.No.487/2012] - ORDER G.O.(P)No.198/2012/GEDN Dated, 19/06/2012 - [Amendment]
Co-op recovery | State Public Sector Undertakings and Co-operative Institutions - Recovery of dues of subscribers, sureties and Hirers instructions - Circular No.52/2010/Fin Dated, 15/06/2010 - [Circular]
DEPUTATION - Public Services - Deputation of Govt. employees on Foreign Service from one Department to another, etc. - guidelines - Circular No.15618/Adv.C1/90/P&ARD Dated, 05/12/1990
KSR/KER - GO & Circulars - Click Here
Increment is Earned for past 1 Year Service - Judgment - KAT TVM OA No.1420/2019 Dated, 25/08/2023
General Education - Vigilance Disciplinary Action Regarding Maintenance of Register and Proceedings [à´ªൊà´¤ു à´µിà´¦്à´¯ാà´­്à´¯ാà´¸ം - à´µിà´œിലൻസ് à´…à´š്à´šà´Ÿà´•്à´• നടപടി à´°à´œിà´¸്à´±്ററിà´¨്à´±െ പരിà´ªാലനവും - നടപടിà´•à´³ും - à´¸ംബന്à´§ിà´š്à´š്] - Circular No.VA5/1628648/2023/DGE Dated, 18/08/2023
Dept. Test - ഉദ്à´¯ോà´—à´¸്à´¥ ഭരണപരിà´·്à´•ാà´° വകുà´ª്à´ª് - à´•േà´°à´³ à´¸്à´±്à´±േà´±്à´±് & സബോർഡിà´¨േà´±്à´±് സർവീà´¸്‌ à´±ൂൾസ് à´­ാà´—ം -II à´šà´Ÿ്à´Ÿം 13 A(1) -à´¨്à´±െ ആനുà´•ൂà´²്à´¯ം à´…à´¨ുവദിà´š്à´šുà´•ൊà´£്à´Ÿ് à´¤ാà´¤്à´•ാà´²ിà´• à´ª്à´°ൊà´®ോഷൻ ലഭിà´•്à´•ുà´¨്à´¨ പട്à´Ÿിà´•à´œാà´¤ി പട്à´Ÿികവർഗ്à´— à´µിà´­ാà´—à´¤്à´¤ിൽപെà´Ÿുà´¨്à´¨ à´œീവനക്à´•ാർക്à´•് à´Ÿെà´¸്à´±്à´±് à´¯ോà´—്യത à´¨േà´Ÿുà´¨്നതിà´¨് à´…à´¨ുവദിà´š്à´šിà´Ÿ്à´Ÿുà´³്à´³ à´¤ാà´¤്à´•ാà´²ിà´• ഇളവ് à´•ാà´²ാവധി à´¦ീർഘിà´ª്à´ªിà´•്à´•ുà´¨്നത് - à´¸്പഷ്‌à´Ÿീà´•à´°à´£ം - à´¸ംബന്à´§ിà´š്à´š് - Circular Rules-1/213/2021/P&ARD Dated, 24/08/2022
Personal Register | Regarding the recording of e-office file information in the Personal Register - à´‡-à´“à´«ീà´¸് ഫയൽ à´µിവരം à´ªേà´´്സണൽ à´°à´œിà´¸്à´±്ററിൽ à´Žà´´ുà´¤ി à´¸ൂà´•്à´·ിà´•്à´•ുà´¨്നത് à´¸ംബന്à´§ിà´š്à´š് - CIRCULAR No.Rules-2/22/2020/P&ARD Dated, 12/02/2021
PROBATION | PUBLIC SERVICES - Inter District Transfer of GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES NEED for DECLARATION OF PROBATION in the NEW DISTRICT Clarification - ORDER G.O.(P)No.42/2012/P&ARD Dated, 23/08/2012
PROBATION | G.O. - Personnel and Administrative Reforms (Rules) Department - G.O.(P)36/91/P&ARD, dated 2nd December 1991 - Inter District Transfers of Employees - Conditions modified - Orders issued - ORDER G.O.(P)No.36/91/P&ARD Dated, 02/12/1991
PROBATION | G.O.- Personnel and Administrative Reforms (Advice-C) Department - No.(Ms)25/88/P&ARD, dated 25th June 1988 -Public Services - Appointment of candidates by the Kerala Public Service Commission in the same category of posts in different districts - Counting of probation - Instructions modified - Orders issued - ORDER G.O.(Ms)No.28/88/P&ARD Dated, 25/06/1988
KSR | Amendment of the Rules - In part III of the Kerala Service Rules - Third Amendment 2023 (Amendment of the Rules.- In Part III of the Kerala Service Rules, in Appendix-X, in Part A of Pension (Commutation) Rules) - ORDER G.O.(P)No.59/2023/Fin Dated, 16/06/2023 | S.R.O.No.674/2023 | KERALA GAZETTE No.2027 Dated, 16/06/2023
KSR | Amendment of the Rules - In Part III of the Kerala Service Rules (XII A,XII B and XII C) - Second Amendment 2023 - ORDER G.O.(P)No.58/2023/Fin Dated, 14/06/2023 | S.R.O.No.668/2023 | KERALA GAZETTE No.2019 Dated, 15/06/2023
Kerala Registration (A) Rules 2022 - No. IGR/4448/2022-RR9 Dated, 29/11/2022 [KERALA GAZETTE No.4037]
Amendment of the rules - Compensation Leave (2nd Amendment 2022) - ORDER G.O.(P)No.123/2022/Fin Dated, 07/10/2022 [S.R.O.No.969/2022 - KERALA GAZETTE No.3461 Date 10/10/2022]
KS&SSR | Kerala State & Subordinate Services(4th amendment) Rules,2022 - Notification - ORDER G.O.(P) No.12/2022/P&ARD Dated, 29/08/2022 [S.R.O. No. 852/2022] - GAZETTE No.2967 Date 31/08/2022
Kerala Government Servants Conduct (Amendment)Rules,2022-Amendment of Rule 48 - Notification - ORDER G.O.(P) No.11/2022/P&ARD Dated, 28/08/2022 [S.R.O. No. 851/2022] - GAZETTE No.2957 Date 30/08/2022
KS&SSR Amendment [Kerala State and Subordinate Services (3rd Amendment) Rules, 2022] - സർക്à´•ാർ സർവീà´¸ിൽ à´ª്à´°à´µേà´¶ിà´•്à´•ുà´¨്നവരിൽ 10, +2, à´¡ിà´—്à´°ി വരെà´¯ും മലയാà´³ം à´’à´°ു à´­ാà´·à´¯ാà´¯ി പഠിà´š്à´šിà´Ÿ്à´Ÿിà´²്à´²ാà´¤്തവർ à´•േà´°à´³ à´ªിà´Žà´¸്‌à´¸ി നടത്à´¤ുà´¨്à´¨ മലയാà´³ം പരീà´•്à´· 40% ൽ à´•ുറയാà´¤്à´¤ à´®ാർക്à´•ിൽ à´ªാà´¸ാà´•േà´£്à´Ÿà´¤ാà´£െà´¨്à´¨ KS&SSR à´­േദഗതി - 10A. A probationer in a service in the entry cadre who does not come under the purview of sub-rule (aaaa) of rule 10 and who has not studied Malayalam as one of the languages till Standard X or as a subject at Plus-two or at Degree level shall pass within the period of probation, a language test in Malayalam with not less than 40% marks conducted by the Kerala Public Service Commission which shall be equivalent to Senior Higher Diploma test of the Malayalam Mission [Note: Class IV employees and those who have already passed the Senior Higher Diploma test of Malayalam Mission are exempted from passing the test conducted by the Kerala Public Service Commission] - Notification - ORDER G.O.(P) No.10/2022/P&ARD Dated 14/08/2022 [S.R.O. No. 817/2022] - GAZETTE No.2734 Date 19/08/2022
LPST/UPST Appointment - Malayalam Medium - Qualification - ORDER G.O.(Ms) No.67/2018/GEDN Dated, 22/05/2018
KS&SSR | Kerala State and Subordinate Services (2nd amendment) Rules,2022 - Notification - ORDER G.O.(P) No.9/2022/P&ARD Dated 14/08/2022 [S.R.O. No. 815/2022] - GAZETTE No.2731 Date 19/08/2022
KER Amendment Judgment - WP(C) NO.17406 OF 2022/WP(C) NO.17413 OF 2022/WP(C) NO.17542 OF 2022WP(C) NO.18604 OF 2022 Dated, 13/07/2022
Treasury Rules- Thumb Impression in Cheques - S.R.O.No.726/2020 (No.2501) - ORDER G.O.(P)No.89/2020/Fin Dated, 01/07/2020
Excess salary drawn amount repayment [Class III & IV Employees] - Order G.O.(Rt)No.675/2017/HFWD Dated 15/03/2017 [Recovery of wrongful/excess payments made to Government servants]
Excess salary drawn amount repayment [Class III & IV Employees] - JUDGEMENT - CIVIL APPEAL NO. 11527 OF 2014 (Arising out of SLP(C) No.11684 of 2012) Dated 18/12/2014 [Recovery of wrongful/excess payments made to Government servants]
Excess salary drawn amount repayment [Class III & IV Employees] - Recovery of wrongful/excess payments made to Government servants [Dated 02/03/2016]
Kerala Last Grade Service (Amendment) Rules 2016 (Qualifications) - Notification - G.O.(P)No.12/2016/P&ARD Dated, 04/06/2016 - VIEW | Download
Acts & Rules : KSR/KER/Hand Book
KS&SSR 1958 – Part I & II (Kerala State & Subordinate Services Rules, 1958) [Dated,30/06/2012] - Click Here
KERALA FINANCIAL CODE (Article 4 - 211 | Kerala Financial Code deals with rules relating to all financial transactions of Government receipt, custody and disbursement of government money.) - Click Here
Dimensions of Class Rooms – Download
Handbook on Important Orders & Circulars on General Transfer of State Govt Employees - KERALA - Click Here
NPS-NSDL-CRA-Handbook (Handbook on CRA Operations) - Click Here
SPECIAL FEES - General Education Department - Utilization of accumulated balance of Special Fee in the PD account in schools - Sanction Accorded - Orders Issued - ORDER G.O.(Rt)No.884/2017/G.Edn Dated, 29/03/2017 [No.H3/50355/2015/DPI Dated, 10/04/2017, ORDER G.O.(Rt)No.4500/2017/G.Edn Dated, 22/11/2017, No.H3/50355/2015/DPI Dated, 19/12/2017, No.H3/18716/2018/DPI Dated, 04/05/2019] - Click Here
SPECIAL FEES - Collection and Utilisation - Click Here
Differently Abled Employees In Kerala Government Service - Orders and Circulars - by Sri. ROBIN SAMUEL THRISSUR
Scholarship HANDBOOK - Prepared by Education Department Kerala
MOP - Manual of Office Procedure - Malayalam
MOP - Manual of Office Procedure
KER - Kerala Education Rules 1959
KER - THE KERALA EDUCATION ACT, 1958 and THE KERALA EDUCATION RULES, 1959 [Fourth Edition] (Embodying corrections upto 31st December 2010)
KSR - Kerala Service Rules Volume I - (Vol-I PART I&II - 8th Edition 2016)
KSR - Kerala Service Rules Volume II - (Vol-II PART III - 6th Edition 2017)
KS&SSR 1958 – Part I & II (Kerala State & Subordinate Services Rules, 1958) [Dated,30/06/2012]
KFC - Kerala Financial Code Vol-I (8th Edition 2016)
KFC - Kerala Financial Code Vol-I (7th Edition 2008)
KFC - Kerala Financial Code Vol-II (Third Edition - KFC Forms)
KTC - THE KERALA TREASURY CODE Vol I Pages 1-206 (4th Edition 2013)
KTC - THE KERALA TREASURY CODE Vol I Pages 207-404 (4th Edition 2013)
THE KERALA ACCOUNT CODE Vol I (3rd Edition 2013)
THE KERALA ACCOUNT CODE Vol III (4th Edition 2013)
Book of Forms (3rd Edition 2017)
GPF - Kerala General Provident Fund Rules 2011 (GAZETTE No.333 - Notification G.O. (P) No. 94/2012/Fin Dated, 07/02/2012 - S.R.O.No.109/2012)
GIS - Kerala State Employees Group Insurance Scheme Rules, 2010 (ORDER G.O (P) No.249/2010/Fin dated 21/04/2010 [NOTIFICATION No.984 Dated, 22/4/2010] S.R.O No.399/2010)
SLI - Kerala State Life Insurance Rules (Revised orders as per G.O (P) No.840/88/Fin dated 16/11/1988)
Stores Purchase Manual [Hand Book] - Malayalam - Sri.C.S.Santhosh
Govt. Vehicle Use [Hand Book] - Sri.C.S.Santhosh
STORES PURCHASE MANUAL-Revised Edition 2013 - (Revised as per G.O (P) No.3/2013/SPD, dated 21.06.2013) - View | Download
Hand Book of Important Orders of General Education (As on 31/12/1976) - View | Download
Acts and Rules - GO/Circulars
NOC - Not Required for NEW Post Application of GOVT. Employees - സർക്à´•ാർ സർവീà´¸ിൽ ഉള്ളവർ PSC à´œോà´²ികൾക്à´•് à´…à´ªേà´•്à´·ിà´•്à´•ുà´®്à´ªോൾ NOC à´µേണമെà´¨്à´¨ à´¨ിബന്ധന à´’à´´ിà´µാà´•്à´•ി à´µിà´œ്à´žാപനം - Order G.O.(P)No.9/2021/P&ARD Dated,30/11/2021
à´ªൊà´¤ുà´µിà´¦്à´¯ാà´­്à´¯ാà´¸ം - à´Žà´¯്à´¡à´¡് à´¸്à´•ൂà´³ുകൾ - 19/07/2005 à´¨് à´®ുà´¨്‍à´ª് സർവ്à´µീà´¸ിൽ à´ª്à´°à´µേà´¶ിà´š്ചവർക്à´•് à´¨ിà´¶്à´šിà´¤ à´µിഷയത്à´¤ിൽ à´¬ി.à´Žà´¡് à´µേണമെà´¨്à´¨ à´¨ിബന്ധന à´’à´´ിà´µാà´•്à´•ി ഉത്തരവാà´¯ിà´Ÿ്à´Ÿുà´³്à´³ 19.09.2008-à´²െ à´œി. à´’. (à´ªി) à´¨ം. 165/2008/à´ªൊ.à´µി.വയുà´Ÿെ പരിà´§ിà´¯ിൽ 2005-à´¨് à´®ുà´®്à´ª് à´¨ിà´¶്à´šിà´¤ à´µിഷയത്à´¤ിലല്à´²ാà´¤െ à´¬ി.à´Žà´¡് à´Žà´Ÿുà´¤്തവരെ à´•ൂà´Ÿി ഉൾപ്à´ªെà´Ÿുà´¤്à´¤ി ഉത്തരവ് à´ªുറപ്à´ªെà´Ÿുà´µിà´•്à´•ുà´¨്à´¨ു - Order G.O.(P)No.7/2018/GEDN Dated,19/03/2018
Qualification to the post of HSA [Languages] - modified order G.O.(P)No.209/2012/G EDN Dated, 27/06/2012
Acts and Rules - KSR/KER/Handbooks
The Kerala Service Rules - Vol-I(Part I&II) - Eighth Edition 2016 - Click Here
Stores Purchase Rules - Manual - by Sri.C S Santhosh - Click Here
KER Chapter XXIII - Fixation of Strength of Teachers in Departmental and Aided Schools
HANDBOOK - A Handbook on Important Orders and Circulars on General Transfer of Kerala State Government Employees
Acts and Rules - GO/Circular
General Education Department -Appointments in Aided Institutions Reservation for Persons With Disabilities - ORDER G.O.(P)No.19/2021/GEDN Dated, 08/11/2021 - Download
Enhancing the age limit for recruitment of teachers in aided schools - Order G.O.(Ms)No.203/2013/GEDN Dated, 02-07-2013 - Download
Pay Revision
PRC 2019 - Scale of Pay - Education Department - Download
PRC 2019 - XI Pay Revision ORDER : GO(P) No.27/2021/Fin Dated 10-02-2021 - Download
Acts and Rules - KSR/KER
KS & SSR 1958 – Part I & II (Kerala State & Subordinate Services Rules, 1958) - Download
Kerala Education Rules 1958 & 1959 - Fourth Edition - 31/12/2010 - Download
KCS(CC&A) - Kerala Civil Service (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1960 - Download
Administration Manual for Transferred Functions: Primary Schools - Download
Acts and Rules/GO/Circular Download
PR 2019 - XI Pay Revision ORDER - Revision of pay & allowances - ORDER : GO(P) No.27/2021/Fin Dated 10-02-2021 Download
Primary HM Promotion - Department Test Exemption - Amendment | In exercise of the powers conferred by section 38 of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (Central Act 35 of 2009) and in supersession of the notification issued under G.O.(P)No.19/2020/G.Edn. dated 23rd December, 2020 and published as S.R.O. No.898/2020 in the Kerala Gazette Extraordinary No.3079 dated 23rd December, 2020, the Government of Kerala hereby make the following rules further to amend the Kerala Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rules, 2011 | (1) Short title and commencement - (1) These rules may be called the Kerala Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (Amendment) Rules, 2021. [2] They shall come into force with effect from 30-4-2011. (2)Amendment of the Rules.- In the Kerala Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Educr Rules, 2011, for proviso to sub-rule (1) of rule 18, the following proviso shall be substituted, n "Provided that teachers who are otherwise eligible for being promoted as Head teachers exempted from passing such departmental tests and test on Kerala Education Act and Rules after attaining the age of 50 years". | (GAZETTE NOTIFICATION - S.R.O. No. 18/2021) G.O(P)No.1/2021/G.Edn Dated, 05-01-2021 Download
Primary HM Promotion - Department Test Exemption - Amendment | Order - G.O.(P)No. 19/2020/G.Edn. Dated,23-12-2020 Download
PENSION - Kerala Service (Fifth Amendment) Rules, 2020 | Order - G.O.(P)No.145/2020/Fin Dated, 30-10-2020 Download
Pension Calculation Revised - Rules | Kerala Service Rules (Fourth Amendment) 2020 | Order GO(P) No.130/2020/Fin Dated 01-10-2020 Download
Advance Increment Regarding - G EDN-U1/271/2019/GED Dated:01/11/2019 Download
HM Promotion - Qualifying service for promotion to the cadre of Headmaster in Aided primary schools – Orders issued | G O(P)No. 16/2018/GEDN Dated. 09-07-2018 Download
HM Promotion - G Edn-Qualification for promotion to the cadre of Headmaster in Government Primary Schools | Amended | Order GO(MS) No.27/2018/G Edn dtd.06-03-2018 Download
HM Promotion - General Education Department-Qualification for promotion to the cadre of Head Master in Aided Primary schools – Amended – Sanctioned— Orders issued. | General Eduction (J) Department GO (Ms) No.16 /18/G.Edn Dated, 19/02/2018 Download
Grade/Promotion - Pay Fixation Download
Travelling allowance - Revision of TA ceiling of State Government employees -sanctioned-Orders issued. - G.O.(P)No.137/2016/Fin Dated, 09/09/2016 Download
Travelling Allowance - 10th PRC | G.O.(P)No.7/2016/Fin Dated : 20-01-2016 Download
Public Services- Kerala State and Subordinate Services Rules 1958-Applicability of Rule 28 (bbb)-Clarification- Issued. - Circular No. 7850/Rules-1/88/P&ARD. Daled, 30/08/1989 Download Download
Teaching posts in Government and Aided Schools - Unification of Qualification - Order No.76/80/G EDN Dated,06/06/1980 Download
Specialist Teachers Qualification Download
Acts and Rules/GO/Circular
Pension | Kerala Service Rules Fourth Amendment - 2020 | GO(P)No.130/2020/Fin Dated: 01-10-2020
LEAVE - à´Žà´²്à´²ാ à´ªൊà´¤ുà´®േà´–à´²ാ à´¸്à´¥ാപനങ്ങളിà´²െà´¯ും à´¹ിà´¸്à´±്ററക്à´Ÿà´®ിà´•്à´•് à´µിà´§േയരാà´•ുà´¨്à´¨ à´¸്à´¤്à´°ീ à´œിവനക്à´•ാർക്à´•് അവധി à´…à´¨ുവദിà´š്à´š് - ഉത്തരവ് à´ªുറപ്à´ªെà´Ÿുà´µിà´•്à´•ുà´¨്à´¨ു. - GO(P) No.116/2020/Fin Dated 23-08-2020
The Kerala Service Rules, Part I - Ex-gratia allowance under Rules 90-A - Modified - Orders issued. - Order - GO(P) No. 93/2020/Fin Dated 08-07-2020
Eleventh Pay Revision Commission for revision of pay and allowances of Government employees, staff of educational institutions, local bodies etc - Tenure extended - Orders issued. GO(Ms) No.54/2020/Fin Dated 07-05-2020 | - Download
Joining Time | Circular No.72/2019/Fin Dated.08-08-2019 | à´ªൊà´¤ുà´¸്ഥലംà´®ാà´±്റത്à´¤ിà´¨് à´ª്à´°à´µേശനകാà´²ം à´…à´¨ുവദിà´•്à´•ുà´¨്നത് à´¸ംബന്à´§ിà´š്à´š് à´¸്പഷ്‌à´Ÿീà´•à´°à´£ം | Joining Time Calculation :- Joining time for transfer beyond 8 km is 6 Days preparation time + Actual journey time Allowed Journey time One day for each of the portion of the journey which he travels, | By railway - 500 kilometres | By ocean steamer - 350 kilometres | By river steamer - 150 kilometres | By motor vehicles - 150 Kilometres | Or by conveyance plying for public hirein any other way - 25 kilometres | Journey by Aircraft - Actual time is allowed.
Pay Revision
PR 2019 - XI Pay Revision - ORDER G.O.(P)No.27/2021/Fin Dated, 10/02/2021
PR 2014 – GO(P)No.7/2016/Fin Dated 20-01-2016 - SCALE OF PAY
PR 2014 – GO(P)No.7/2016/Fin Dated 20-01-2016 - Download
PR 2009 – Edn Dept. Scale of Pay – Modified - ORDER G.O.(P)No.168/2013/(147)/Fin Dated, 11/04/2013 | The modification of the scale of pay will take effect from 01/07/2009 as notional and have monetary benefit with effect from the date (11/04/2013) of this order
PR 2009 – GO(P)NO.85/2011/FIN DATED 26/02/2011 - Download
PR 2004 – Pay Revision Order 2004 - Download
PR 1998 – GO(P)NO.3000/98/FIN DATED 25/11/1998 - Download
PR 1993 – GO(P)NO.600/93/FIN DATED 25/09/1993 - Download
Acts and Rules
Dies-non - Count for Pension as Qualifying Service - KSR Amendment (Twelth) 2019
ELS Rules as per  KSR - Download
Government Servants Conduct Rules 1960
Stores Purchase Rules
Kerala Education Rules 1959  Download
Kerala Education Rules Download
KS & SSR 1958 – Part I & II Download
KSR  Vol-I (Part - I&II) Download
KSR  Vol-II (Part -III) Download
KSR Vol-III (Pension Rules) Download
Manual of Office Procedure Download
Note of KSR Part I & II Download
Leave Rules Download
Handbook of Important Orders on General Education Kerala 1976
Education Department Guide Book 2001
HAND BOOK - Govt. Orders
DA Orders
Chart of DA Orders Since 01-07-1988 Download
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