Tax Consultant unlimited version 4.51 (Updated on 05/01/2020 as per new
amendment dated 12/05/2019) (FY 2016-17 to 2027-28) for the Income Tax
calculation and preparation of Income Tax Antecipatory Statement, Final
Statement, Monthly TDS Statement, Form 12BB, Form 16 and Form 10E. This
software can be used for Twelve Financial Years from 2016-17 onwards. It
is completely different from the previous years. You can change every

New Features:
- Exporting 92 columns Annexure-II in excel format with single click (Newly added )
- Updated form16 and Statement as per Incometax amendment dated 12/05/2019.
- Extended period to Twelve years
- Added provision to enter deduction u/s 10 under Tax Relief menu
- Extended provision to select tax relief section four to Six
- Extended provision to enter 10E relief for the past 14 years
- Combine data function
- Export Report as Pdf
- User can Customise the Tax Rate, Tax Percentage,10E Tax Rate, DA Rate, Header Title etc using General settings icon.
- Retains previous years tax rate and 10E tax rate .
- Option to enter periodical rent details
- Option to edit Header Title, DA% and Tax Rates
- Set Default option to restore the default settings in one click
- Introduced Software Assistant to familiarise the software for first use
- Data import button to import data from previous versions
- Can add up to 100 employees
- Add, Edit and Delete function
- Popup window to easily each section under Tax Relief.
- Highly validated and more user friendly
- Attractive Design
Thanks to Sri.Saffeeq.M.P